Rojan Maharjan

Software Engineer | Atlanta, GA



  1. Java
  2. Javascript
  3. Spring
  4. Quarkus
  5. React
  6. SQL


  1. Git/GitHub
  2. GitHub Actions
  3. JDBC
  4. JUnit
  5. Mockito
  6. Spinnaker


  1. Azure DevOps
  2. REST APIs
  3. Microservices
  4. CI/CD
  5. PostgreSQL
  6. CouchDB

Work Experience

The Home Depot

Software Engineer

Atlanta, GA | Feb 2022 - Current
  • Monarch Cache Team
    • Worked on a data replication application which sets up CouchDB to replicate databases from the cloud to THD stores.
    • Worked on a Java backend built on Quarkus and CouchDB, and utilized Github Actions to run automated tests and deployment.
    • Wrote robust unit and integration tests using testcontainers to maintain a stable application.
    • Deployed applications to Google Kubernetes Engine using Spinnaker.
    • Deployed applications via custom pipelines and scaled to 2,000 US stores.
    • Monitored applications running in GKE and in stores using Grafana and Prometheus.
  • Monarch Configuration Team
    • Worked on a configuration application to push key value pairs from the cloud into THD stores and applications running in back of store servers.
    • Worked on a React application, built pages/components and made requests to the backend.
    • Worked on a Java backend built on Quarkus, PostgreSQL and CouchDB.
    • Utilized Git and GitHub for version control, code reviews and deployments.
    • Contributed to design discussions and wrote documentation for users.


Backend Developer

Atlanta, GA | Dec 2020 - Feb 2022
  • Developed and maintained scalable Spring Microservices for the Post Trade Accounting Team.
  • Wrote, reviewed, documented and tested software modules end to end.
  • Improved performance of services by 40% by optimizing queries and improving code inefficiencies.
  • Resolved issues and debugged errors in production with minimal downtime.
  • Created CI/CD pipelines to detect code smells, run tests and deliver to specific environments.


FullStack Developer

Remote | January 2020 - December 2020
  • Developed full-stack web applications using Spring and Angular based on client requirements.
  • Used Bootstrap to create responsive, modern UIs based on wireframes from the designers.
  • Developed maintainable APIs with authentication/authorization based on Spring Security and JWT.


Troy University

Troy, AL | Aug 2016 - May 2020

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

GPA: 3.83 (Summa Cum Laude)

The 87 | Honors Program | Chancellor's List (3 semesters) | Provost List (4 semesters)

TroyHack | Troy University Computer Science Club | Troy Palladium | Trop News